Eneritz en Tech and Play con una performance con su colectivo Blinding Universe



Based on the research of the Human Learning project, this performance incorporates a voiceover that challenges the limitations of human cognitive abilities. HL_module_2 draws analogies between human learning systems and the training of computational systems, inviting the audience to reflect on the scope and limits of both forms of knowledge.

During the festival, I conducted a dance and wearables workshop and another on digital fabrication for children.

HL_module_2 is part of a series of performances developed within the framework of the Human Learning project, supported by the Grant for Research and Innovation in the Performing Arts from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Performer: Anaïs Chandia Live music: Pau Cabruja aka Pauk Costume design: Blanca de Albert Photography: Vicenzo Rigogliuso

Showcases: Tech&Play Festival