An artistic research project that explores the limitations of human cognitive capacities through a critical and experimental perspective. This project is framed within the ideas of Transhumanism, a cultural and intellectual movement that seeks to improve inherent biological limitations through the development and use of technology.
To carry out the research, I have developed different body-based electronic devices or wearables based on the concept of Technobody, to explore how technology reconfigures not only the physical body but also our perception of bodily identity and our relationship with the environment.
The device consists of sensors placed on the extremities of the body, which detect the position and speed of the movements. The data is processed by software developed to generate real-time music. I have also designed a screen placed on the chest that interprets sound and converts it into dynamic images. For the development of the screen, I collaborated with the ACAPPS Association, which is part of the Federation of Catalan Associations of Parents and People with Hearing Impairment.
The device has been made available to both individuals who use the body as a means of artistic expression and to people with hearing impairments, allowing them to experience various audiovisual compositions and choreographic patterns. The data collected is instantly transformed into sound and light, turning the device into a physical audiovisual tool for emotional expression.
By reappropriating technological devices as an artistic medium, this project raises questions about our interaction with the digital environment, emotionally confronting the experience of inhabiting a human body and exploring how technology redefines our physical and emotional limitations.
The goal of this study is to reflect on the past, present, and future trajectories of the impact technology has on human nature, as well as our physical and emotional limitations. This critical and experimental approach provides a platform for dialogue about the future of humanity in an increasingly technologically integrated world.