
Eneritz en Tech and Play con una performance con su colectivo Blinding Universe
Eneritz en Tech and Play con una performance con su colectivo Blinding Universe



Based on the research of the Human Learning project, this performance incorporates a voiceover that challenges the limitations of human cognitive abilities. HL_module_2 draws analogies between human learning systems and the training of computational systems, inviting the audience to reflect on the scope and limits of both forms of knowledge.

During the festival, I conducted a dance and wearables workshop and another on digital fabrication for children.

HL_module_2 is part of a series of performances developed within the framework of the Human Learning project, supported by the Grant for Research and Innovation in the Performing Arts from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Performer: Anaïs Chandia Live music: Pau Cabruja aka Pauk Costume design: Blanca de Albert Photography: Vicenzo Rigogliuso

Showcases: Tech&Play Festival




Speculating on a future where humans integrate technology into their bodies, HL_module_1 explores sensory modalities of memory beyond the digital realm. Recent technological innovations enable a profound reconfiguration of our identity, from prosthetics connected to AI networks to advanced neural interfaces.

Is it possible to translate our emotions into algorithms? Can we optimize our bodies with non-organic interfaces? Can sensitivity be artificially created as a computational process?

In addition to the performance, I conducted a dance and wearables workshop for children at the Casal del Convent de Sant Agustí.

HL_module_1 is part of a series of performances developed within the framework of the Human Learning project, supported by the Grant for Research and Innovation in the Performing Arts from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Performers: Roberto Guglielmi and Eneritz Tejada Live music: Pau Cabruja aka Pauk Photography: Cristina Claramunt

Showcases: XIII Mostra Sonora i Visual del Convent de Sant Agustí




Based on the research from the Human Learning project, this performance explores the fundamental difference between humans and machines: the ability to make free decisions. Through a sonic narrative, human autonomy is juxtaposed with the rigidity of algorithms, where decisions are predetermined by data.

The piece examines how far technology can replicate the freedom of choice, prompting a deep reflection on the role of conscious decision-making in an increasingly automated world.

HL_module_3 is part of a series of performances developed within the framework of the Human Learning project, supported by the Grant for Research and Innovation in the Performing Arts from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Performer: Anaïs Chandia Photography: Diego Suarez aka !ME

Showcases: Festival Eufònic




Deconstructing the technobody.
The cyborg.
The post-organic man.
Viewing with biopolitical eyes.
Breaking prejudices.
Dispelling falsehoods.
Understanding a new body.
Born in the digital age.
In cyberculture.
A body that emerges.
That still carries blood in its veins.
That remains human.

HL_module_0 is part of a series of performances developed within the framework of the Human Learning project, supported by the Grant for Research and Innovation in the Performing Arts from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Performers: Ambar Murgia and Roberto Guglielmi Music: Pau Cabruja aka Pauk and Eneritz Tejada

Showcases: Associació Rai and Associació Cultural Telenoika


Proyecto de arte digital en Barcelona de Eneritz Tejada



The project was developed during a residency at Centre cívic Guinardó in 2020.
In 2021, it participated in the Stripart Festival and in the ER…VA:: 64 event, organized by the Telenoika Cultural Association.

KOSMOS is a choreographic piece that visually represents the emotional bonds formed between people as they interact. Through music produced in real time, lighting effects are created on the performers’ costumes, reflecting the bodily dynamics during human interactions.

Each performer wears a Bluetooth device embedded in their costume, which interprets MIDI signals sent in real time by the musician. These signals are transformed into light and color animations on the LED panels, corresponding to the notes and rhythms.

Throughout our lives, we establish relationships with others that require a form of communication to understand the information within these connections. Can you imagine perceiving this connection with another human being?

Empathy has become a popular concept since scientists discovered mirror neurons while scanning the brains of monkeys. For example, when an acrobat slips on a trapeze, the audience experiences a tightening in their stomach, a lump in their throat, and an increased heart rate, as if they themselves were on the brink of the abyss.

Human beings incessantly crave emotions. Romantic love, as a cultural construct rooted in Western Enlightenment thought, feeds on our insatiable pursuit of emotions. This cultural construct can influence an excess of empathy, which in turn may blur the line between self and others in romantic relationships.

How does the cultural construction of romantic love influence and fuel our dependency, quest for security, and need for the other? This work challenges the essentialist idea of love, leading us to understand that it is not a universal, timeless, and immutable feeling, but rather the result of a specific sociocultural context that shapes it.

The piece invites us to reflect on our own perspectives and beliefs about love.

The software, hardware, and music have been developed exclusively for this piece.

Dirección y desarrollo técnico Eneritz Tejada  Composición Musical Pau Cabruja aka Pauk Bailarinas Laia Mora, Olga Llado Asistente de Coreografía  Roberto Guglielmi   Diseño de Vestuario Laura Buscà, Carmen Cabellos,  M. Jose Martínez   Agradecimientos especiales Jorge Rojo, Roger Calaf